As shown above, the cocotb runs Python over VPI or FLI interface to communicate with the simulator and exercise the DUT. If the DUT is written in Verilog, the VPI interface is used. If the DUT is written in VHDL, FLI interface is used. (FLI is short for Foreign Language Interface, which is a standard developed by Mentor Graphics. So you will need Questa Sim or ModelSim as the simulator.)
Cocotb Setup
Ok, now let’s get hands on to see how it works. We will run the cocotb on WSL (Windows Subsystems for Linux). The setup for WSL can be found at the end of Episode (3). Basically, we will use Ubuntu 20.04 as our Linux distro. And we will run the scripts/ to install all the necessary packages and the simulators.
As for the simulator, we will install two simulators: Verilator and Questa Sim.
The Verilator is an open-source simulator that supports Verilog / System Verilog. It will convert the Verilog / System Verilog into C++ code and compile the C++ using GCC (which is kind similar to VCS). Because this RTL-to-C++ approach, the Verilator runs probably 5x faster than Questa Sim. However, the drawback of Verilator is that:
1. It does not support VHDL at this point
2. It does not support gate level simulation
3. It does not support third party library
Because of the above, we also need a commercial simulator if third party IPs (such as DDR controller) are involved. Fortunately, we can get a poor man’s version of Questa Sim from Intel website (See the end of To use this version of Questa, we also need to apply for a fixed seat license (with no cost) from Intel Self Service License Center:
A fixed seat license is usually tied to a MAC address. However, under WSL, the MAC address changes every time it reboots. Fortunately, we can fix this by setting up a dummy MAC address to match the one used by the license file in WSL. And scripts/ is an example of setting up such dummy MAC address.
And let’s see how we can run the cocotb with our Hello World example. Please don’t worry about all the tech details yet, as we will soon discuss them in the next episode.
In fact, all we have to do is to open the WSL, setup the dummy MAC address if we want to use Questa. And enter the HelloWorld/test/cocotb/verilator or HelloWorld/test/cocotb/questa and run tox.
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